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Resolution 5 & sortation brochure
Sort up to 5000 envelopes, polybags or parcels per hour
Modular design: Feed, DWS , sorting & optional return sections
Design the sorting section with as many as sorting modules
Powered by Resolution 5 and Resolution Bcode
Modular design
The sortation system's design is completely modular, meaning that you can start off with as many or as few chutes as required, more can then be added over time as needed. It's the dimensioning-powered sortation solution that can grow with your business.
Data-driven sortation

Don't just sort your items, Resolution's sortation system will collect and analyze data during the process. This data will provide you with tangible suggestions such as optimal freight loading sequences and vehicle sizing. These data-led decisions will ultimately make your business more profitable.
Integrate with Resolution Plus
Seamlessly integrate the parcel sortation system with Resolution Plus, storing your weight, images and dimensioning data. Utilise this data to optimise cargo space in your trucks and containers, optimise your freight loading sequence and automate your operations.

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